नया नया रोचक तथा सेक्सी कथा पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस

अन्य भिडियो तथा मनोरन्जनात्मक कुराहरु हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस

दायाबायाँ हेरर सुत्तुकै क्लिक गर्नुहोस नत्र लाज हुन सक्छ.

Sep 3, 2012

Facebook symbols

You can copy if want it !!

Alt + 1 ☺
Alt + 2 ☻
Alt + 3 ♥
Alt + 4 ♦
Alt + 5 ♣
Alt + 6 ♠
Alt + 7 •
Alt + 8 ◘
Alt + 9 ○
Alt + 10 ◙
Alt + 11 ♂
Alt + 12 ♀
Alt + 13 ♪
Alt + 14 ♫
Alt + 15 ☼
Alt + 16 ►
Alt + 17 ◄
Alt + 18 ↕
Alt + 19 ‼
Alt + 20 ¶
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22 ▬
Alt + 23 ↨
Alt + 24 ↑
Alt + 25 ↓
Alt + 26 →
Alt + 27 ←
Alt + 28 ∟
Alt + 29 ↔
Alt + 30 ▲
Alt + 31 ▼

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Injection: ┣▇▇▇═─

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Aug 31, 2012

Nokia Master Reset Codes

Nokia Codes :*#0000#
- SW version

Nokia Codes : *#06#
- Check IMEI

Nokia Codes : *#war0anty#
- SIMLOCK info

Nokia Codes : *3370#
- Enhanced Full Rate ON

Nokia Codes : #3370#
- Enhanced Full Rate OFF

Nokia Codes : *4720#
- Alternative sound quality codec ON

Nokia Codes : #4720#
- Alternative sound quality codec OFF

Nokia Codes : *#7780#
- Default factory settings (Hard Reset)

Nokia Codes : *#7760#
- Production serial number

Nokia Codes : *#2820#
- Bluetooth info

Nokia Codes : *#73#
- Reset phone timers and game scores.

Nokia Codes : *#7370925538#
- Delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.

Nokia Codes : *#7370#
- Soft Reset/Format - erases all telephone memory.

Nokia Codes : [Green]*3
- Hard Reset/Format - if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots

Nokia Codes : *#delset#
- MMS/GPRS settings removal
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 1

Network lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 2

Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 3

SimCard lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 4

1234567890 - Master Code which is generated from IMEI

NOKIA E65 Secret Codes.
To check the IMEI.

To check the firmware version and date.

*#92702689# *#war0anty#
To check the IMEI. The date when it was purchased, and the date when it was repaired.

*4720# (*hra0#)
To activates the Half Rate.

#4720# (#hra0#)
To deactivates Half Rate.

*3370# (*efr0#)
To activates Enhanced Full Rate.

#3370# (#efr0#)
To deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.

*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#)
To check the SIM clock status.

*#7220# (*#pca0#)
To activate the GPRS and Packet Common Control Channel(PCCCH) supports.

*#7230# (*#pcd0#)
To deactivate the GPRS and Packet common control channel (PCCCH)supports


Aug 30, 2012

Check your personality

Personality Test !! 

When you answer the following Question the answer you give will reflect your personality, so think carefully !
OK so here we go......................
There is an extremely tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals 
A lion 
A Giraffe
A Squirrel
And a Chimpanzee

The animal decided to compete to see who can get a banana from the from tree the fastest.

Who do you think will win ?
Lion ,Giraffe, Squirrel,Chimpanzee ?

If your answer was lion then you are deep thinker, but wrong.
If your answer was Giraffe then you are logical, but wrong.
If your answer was Squirrel then your are an optimist, but wrong.
If your answer was chimpanzee then you are a nutter, but wrong.

But why wrong ??????

Because banana don't grow on coconut trees LOL :P

Aug 28, 2012

How to create blogger ? Nepali version

आजभोली धेरैजसो फेसबुकका Admin हरुले अफ्नो-अफ्नो  Blogger तयार गरेका छन् ! अफ्नो viewer हरु बढाउन लागि परेका पनि हुन्छन, थोरै मात्रामा News Facebook मा राखीदिने र बाँकि रहेको कुरा हरु उनीहरुको Blog मै गएर पढ्न लगाउछन् !   यदि तपाई हरुलाई पनि Blogspot को Admin बन्नु छ भने  तलको Step follow गर्नुहोस !!!

How to create Blogger ?

Step 1: Go to http://www.blogger.com/home
Step 2: Click on New Blog
Step 3: Add title "EXAMPE WEBSITE"
Step 4: add address "example".blogspot.com
Step 5: Choose the templates
Step 6: Create Blog!


How to add like box on blogspot

Hello everyone,, Now i am going to show you, about how to add Facebook like box to your blogger.

Please follow the step below.

Step 1: Visit this link to get code http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/   
Step 2: Copy your Facebook URL/Link and paste on "Facebook Page URL(?)"

Step3: Press Get Code Button, a box will appear like this.
Step4: Go to your dashboard>Layout>Add a Gadget and Click HTML/JavaScript
AddFinally: Copy 1st code and paste on  HTML/JavaScript Box press enter button, copy 2nd code and paste again on   HTML/JavaScript Box.  


Aug 27, 2012

How to hide Facebook friends on Timeline ?

How to hide friends on timeline Facebook ?

Step: 1 Look at the picture and follow as shown or  Go to Profile>Friends.

Step: 2 Go to Edit> Only me.      



Aug 25, 2012

Learn Newari to English Language

English Nepal Basa
Good Morning/afternoon/evening/night Jwa-ja-la-paa
What Chuu
This Thwa
That Wa
Yes Khah
No Ma-khu
What Chuu
When Ga- ba-le
Where Ga-na
Which Gu-gu(goo)
Who Su(soo)
Why Su-yaa
Whose Su-yaa
Whom Gu-mha
How(in what way) Ga-the (-the as in theft)
How (to what degree) Gu-li
Best Wishes Bhin-tu-naa
Welcome La-sa-ku-sa
Thank you Su-bhaay
Left De-paay
Right Ja-way
Straight ahead Ta-pyanka
Bridge Taa
City Sa-har
Crossroad Pe-kaa-laa
Farm Buu
House Chhee
Lane Galli
Lawn Khyah
Mountain Paa- haar
Pond Pu-khuu
River Khu-si
Road Laa
Shelter Phal-chaa
Temple De-gah
Tree Si-maa
Village Gaa
Well Tun-chhi
s lunch/dinnerready Jaa-bu-ta-laa? (rice cooked)
What’s for lunch/diner? Thauu chuu tar-kaa-ri? (today what vegetable)
No meat? Laa-ma-du-laa? (meat is not there)
We will have fish tomorrow Ka-nhay nyaa da-ye-ke-gu
Your lunch is getting cold Jaa-khwaa-unn-la
I will cut the vegetables. Jinn ta-ra-kaa-ri taa-naa bi-i
The milk is boiling over Du-ru daa-si wa-la
You can out the pan on the fire. Taa-kyaa de-chuu-saa ji-la
The fire is burning idly. Mi gyaah ju-la.
Something is smoking. Kuu wa-la
The roof is leaking. Paujwah
There won’t be any lights today. Thauu ma-ata-wa-i ma-khu.
The try is dry. Hi-ti-i lah ma-wah
I have been robbed Ji-thay khu-yaa yanka-la
I lost my  Ji-gu ______________ta-na.
My room is on fire. Ji-gu ko-thaa mi chyaa-naa chwa-na
Water lah
Cooking pot Ka-sah-ri
Cup Ka-yah (-yo)
Fork Kaa-taa
Griddle Dwaah
Kitchen knife Ku-inn
Ladle Dha-wah
Pan Taa-kyaa
Pitcher Ghah
Plate De-maa
Spatula Cha-tann
Spoon Cham-chaa
Stove Bhu-tuu(-too)
Utensils Tha-la-ba-la
Beans Buu-bah (boo-)
Breakfast Kau-laa
Meat Laa
Minced meat Chunn-laa
Chicken meat Khaa-yaa laa
Curry Ka-waaph
Dinner Be-li (belly)
Egg Kheynn
Feast Bhway
Fish Nyaa (Kenya)
Fruits Si-saa-bu-saa
Lunch Jyah-naa
Relish a-chaar
Rice Jaa
Snack Tuch-chaa
Bag Mhi-chaa
Basket Daa-laa
Bell Gaa (nasal)
Book Sa-phuu
Broom Tu-phi
Cap Ta-pu-li
Comb Ka-ki-chaa
Glasses Chas-maa
Key Taah-chaa
Paper Bhoo
Rope Khi-pah (-paw)
Soap Saa-buu
Stick Ka-thi
Straw mat Su-kuu (-coo)
Towel Ru-maal
Umbrella Ku-saa
Ash Nau
Betel leaf/nut Gwaah/gway
Branch Si-maa ka-chaa
Clay Chaa
Dream Mah-gas
Ghost Sik (seek)
Help Gwaa-haa-li
Idiot Gwaa-jyah
Love Ma-ti-naa
Money Dhya-baa
Sand Phi
Stone Lwa-haa
Thief Khuu
Wage Jayaa-laa
Wood Sii
Work jyaa
Father Baa
Mother Maa
Grandfather Baa-jyaa
Grandmother a-ji
Husband Bhaah-ta
Wife Ka-laah
Elder brother Daa-i
Elder sister Ta-taa
Younger brother Ki-jaa
Younger sister Ke-henn
Maternal uncle Paa-ju
Maternal aunt Ma-le
Relations Thah-thi-ti 
What is that? Wa chuu khah?
What do you mean by ______? dhaah-gu-chhu?
What is this called? Thaw-yaa-ta-chuu dhaai?
Can I use your phone? Phone chha-kah yaa-ye jiu laa?
What time is it? Gu-li-ba-je-ju-la?
What is this for? Thaw chuu yaa-ye-ta?
What is the matter? Chhu ju-la?
What are you doing? Chuu yaa-naa chwa-naa di-yaa?
Open the door. Khaa-paa chaa-ye-ki.
Close the window. Jhyaah tiu.
The door is locked. Khaa-paay yaa-lann gwa-yaa tah-gu du. (door locked)
Turn on the TV. TV chaa-ye-ki.
Who is there at the door? Ku-ne su wah-gu?
There is somebody to see you. Chhanta naa-pa-laah wa-la.
Did anybody phone me? Ji-tah su-naa-nann phone yaah laa?
The letter has not arrived. Chi-thi ma-thyann-ni.
Today Thaunn
Tomorrow Ka-nhay
Yesterday Mhi-gah
Atmidnight Chaa-nhay
At night Ba-ha-ni-i
Day after tomorrow Kann-sa
Day before yesterday Mhi-i-ga
Early Nhaa-paann
Everyday Nhinn-nhinn
Now Aah
Immediately Thaa-thenn
In the day Nhi-nay
In the evening Sa-ni-lay
In the morning Su-thay
Last year Tha-gu-ne
Late li-baa-ka
Later li-paa
Moments ago Nak-ti-ni
Never Ga-ba-lenn
Full moon Pu-nhi
New moon aa-maai
Next week Ne-gu waa-lay
Next year aa-ki-wann
This year Thu-gu-si-i
Sometimes Ga-ba-lenn
Time Ii (as in ee)
I am coming Wala
I am coming too Ji nann wa-ye
I am out of here Ji laa wa-na
Here, please take it Ka-yaa-di-sann
How are things? Chuu du?
How is that? Gay chwann?
Hurry up Yaa-ka-nann-yaa
I don’t think it’s true Khai ma-khu
I was joking a-thenn dha yaa-gu
It wasn’t me Ji ma-khu
It’s late li-baa-ta
It’s not time yet Ma-tyah-ni
It’s time Tya-la
Just a moment Pa-lakh aa-se
Let’s go Wa-ne-nu
Really Dhaat-thenn khah
There is no rush Ha-thaay ma juu
This way please Thu-khenn jhaa-sann
Wait up aa-se
What a time it took you Ga-baay-ta maah-gu
Where’s ___ (someone) gone? ____ga-na-wa-na?
How are you? Mhan –phu-laa?
I am fine Mhan- phu
My name is … Ji –gu naa…..khah.
This is my friend Mary. Thwa ji-mii paa-saa Mary Khah. (This my friend Mary is)
House/home Cheen
Where do you live? Chhigu chhen ga-na khah? (Your house where is)
I live in Sydney. Ji-gu cheen Sydney khah (My house Sydney in is)
How are things? Gay chwan? (how is)
Fine Baan laah
Please come in Jhaa-saa
Please have a seat Di-saa
Bon appetite Bu-lun bah-pi
I am sorry Maph yaa-naa di-saa
Maybe Kha-ye-phu
Don’t know Ma-siu
It’s ok Jiu
It’s not ok Ma-jiu
Never mind Mawaah-la
Isn’t it? Ma-khu laa
Don’t do that! Yaa-ye-ma-te!
Give way Bi-naa-bi
I am done for Kaa phu-ta
Sucks Chhi-chhi